5 Useful Tips to Better Your Holiday Rides

Holiday periods are the most occupying times, filled with all sorts of social activities for everyone. During this period, most of us travel distance to visit families and friends to celebrate and enjoy the season. It can often happen that you can get too occupied even to consider riding your electric bike during this period. On the brighter side, ebiking with your loved ones is another fun activity you can include as you take a break from your busy daily schedule. Also, you would want to maintain the fitness shape you have worked hard to attain before the holiday.

The probable solution is to find a way to balance the busy period with your rides and workouts. It would be best to sustain riding your electric bike to keep your fitness level while enjoying the holidays. Thus, this article provides five useful tips to improve your e-bike rides in holiday periods.

HAOQI cheetah full suspension ebike

Prepare and Plan for holidays Rides

A proper plan is the first and crucial step to enjoying holiday rides. It would help if you had a mapped-out plan of days and hours you would devote to riding your bike. You can also include longer hours for your daily workout. Long hours of fitness training are essential to keep your fitness level in shape. This plan will help you stay committed and focus on keeping your fitness level even as days get busier.

Also, after properly setting your goals for the holiday season, you should inform your family and friends of your intention to continue your riding and workout schedule during the holiday. This also helps them plan their schedule to accommodate the specific days and times you set for road trips. Furthermore, suppose you inform your family and friends of your plan for holiday rides. In that case, they will consider your timing when setting up family parties, games, or outings, allowing you to make the best of the season with your loved ones.

Consistent Early Morning Rides

Regular ebike cycling is another strategy you can adopt during the holiday season. If you can rise in the early morning hours to get your ride before the whole family wakes up can save you from distractions and allow you to concentrate. It can be challenging to wake up early during the holiday, but considering the benefits you derive, it is a worthy sacrifice.

Regardless, it would help if you were consistent with your early morning holiday rides and workouts. If you are consistent, you will get better at riding and be impressed with your fitness. It is advisable to ride for an hour five times weekly rather than only twice weekly for 2.5 hours. Consistency benefits your riding skills and fitness level. Cycling also makes you smarter and helps you stick to your weekly schedule.

Ride the Trainer

You can also ride the trainer when your plan for the day is all occupied. It is better to ride the trainer early morning, and this is because it is an efficient way to perform the daily workout. Riding your trainer will be the best option if you are busy throughout the holiday. Even if riding outside has huge benefits, you rest assured of a few advantages of cycling on your trainer indoors. You do not need to change or prep to ride on the trainer. Also, you would not spend time putting on layers of clothes or standing at spotlights on the roads. Furthermore, it is more efficient to be pedaling for your entire ride rather than lose time to coasting.

Focus on Power Hour Workouts

If you want to be more efficient during the holidays, shorten your rides and focus on getting your fitness in shape during this period. You can keep your fitness level in shape by doing power-hour workouts. When you want to ride your electric bicycle, ensure it is not for long distances but work hard on the power workouts. This process will eventually help your fitness level stay in shape. You also enjoy several benefits from intense workouts, such as reducing the risk of having certain diseases and increasing your energy levels.

Properly Maintain Your Electric Bike

To ensure your electric bike is in optimum condition for the holiday rides, you should run maintenance such as checking your tires and sealant to avoid a dreaded flat while riding. It would be discouraging to wake up for a morning ride and discover that your electric bike has a flat tire. You must preserve the equipment of your electric bike to avoid being stuck on the road due to a broken chain, flat tire, or any other reason. Thus, you can avoid situations like this when you take your time to check your equipment more often, even when not in use.

Maintenances you should carry out on your electric bike include regular cleaning and lubricating essential moving parts such as chains, screws, bolts, and nuts, and then tightening the loose ones. Also, check tire pressure, brake pads, and battery preservation. You can care for your battery by following the manufacturer’s instructions on charging it to avoid damaging the battery and reducing its life span. You can set time aside for daily or weekly electric bike maintenance or as you deem fit. But regardless of your plan, you should remember that it is important to include maintaining your e-bike in your holiday ride plans.

Best E-bike For Holiday Rides

Electric bikes suitable for holiday rides are characterized by long-lasting battery capacity to travel for at least 35 miles range. This can be enough speed and power to get you to your destination before the holiday activities for the day begin. The HAOQI Cheetah Full Suspension electric bike is comfortable, efficient, suitable for all-terrain, and can travel for 65-85 miles on a single charge. It has a powerful 750W motor ideal for all seasons and great for off-road riders. This powerful e-bike can be used during the holiday seasons since it can ride on any terrain with the help of the front and rear suspension and possess extra components such as Bluetooth, good lights, etc. Plus, if you are looking for a perfect e-bike to gift to your loved one, the HAOQI Cheetah is a perfect match for an adventurous holiday ride with a high-tech removable 48V 16Ah/25Ah.


To sum it up, the holiday periods are always busy with family and friends visiting to share moments to loads of activities and events you include in your schedule. As lovely as these events may be, they can often become too occupying and coincide with your riding plans and workouts. However, it would help if you mapped out an efficient ride strategy to keep fit. Also, you can ride the trainer early morning when you are extremely busy riding outside and focus more on long hours of power workouts instead of longer rides to keep your fitness level in shape. Furthermore, it also helps always to include the time for equipment maintenance to avoid situations such as flat tires, etc.

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