How to double the life of your Ebike batteries


Battery management is a key part of E-Bike riding. We all want to ride further and for longer!  Therefore, How to maximize your E-bike battery life would be an important thing related to all E-bike riders. However, How to double the life of your e-bike batteries and here are 5 useful tips to maximize your haoqi  E-bike battery life.


Charging order

  Charging order. You need to pay attention to the charging socket’s insert order while charging. Connecting the haoqi e-bike’s battery socket need to be inserted at first and then put through the socket’s electric sources.


 Charging time

  Charging time. Never let the battery get down to 0%. The minimum electricity reminds you to charge for the haoqi E-bike. If you consumed all of the electricity and then charge the battery, it will cause the battery’s damage. Don’t forget to charge before all of the electricity was consumed.It’s best to keep the battery at about 75% as possible as you can.


Charging environment   

  Charging environment. We all know that higher temperature is not suitable for charging and at the same time too damp will lead to danger. Therefore, the E-bike’s charging environment should ensure ventilation.Keep it on a cool and dry place and keep your battery away from open flames and direct sunlight. Therefore,you’d better select an even place and keep continuous charging.

Don't overcharge

  Don’t overcharge your haoqi e-bike battery. Turn off the electric source in time after fully charged. However, Under the circumstance of the full charging, unplug the line and turn off the electric button in time will protect the battery’s lifespan efficiently.  If you leave your electric line there, it will consume the quantity of the electricity. Therefore, the duration of a single charge should not exceed 12 hours. By doing these, you can protect the battery’s lifespan efficiently.

Keep it steady

  Riding at the same speed and keep it steady. Avoid accelerating or braking suddenly because it may affect the storage of battery and it’s power transmission. It’s a good habit to ride at the same speed.




  • Felix Thompson

    I need the best price on you E bike.

  • Lamar

    Need to know what class the bikes are ?

    Do have a female bike , my wife is 5.6.

    Where are the bikes and components made.

    Do you have authorized dealers and service in the US?

    Customer support #?

  • Brian Soltis

    How much is a back up battery?

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